The study ‘Language equality in the digital age – Towards a Human Language Project’ was published by the STOA Committee of the European Parliament.
The study ‘Language equality in the digital age – Towards a Human Language Project’ was published by the STOA Committee of the European Parliament. Language Technology is on the cover of the first issue of “The Economist” Forskningsrådets program FriHumSam har bevilget garantimidler til språkkonferansen MONS 17 (Møte om norsk språk 2017). Konferansen, som går annet hvert år og på omgang mellom universitetene i Norge, avholdes i Bergen i november. Her møtes forskere fra både nordisk og lingvistiske fag. Talk by Klaas Römer: Are Brand Names different than other names and/or nouns? Date: December 9 On August 26, 2016, there will be a double Friday seminar with two short presentations related to priming, one in Experimental Aesthetics, the other in Experimental Syntax. Presentation 1: Priming the gender of Christ Presentation 2: The subject of PRO Alexandr Kotlyarov (University of Bergen) will present his master’s thesis project: Task-driven Web Mining for NLP: Constructing a Special-Purpose Corpus of Stylistic Edits in Russian from the Wikipedia Revision History. Thursday June 23 at 14:15 in HF:435. |