Nästan infödd i L2

Prof. Kenneth Hyltenstam gir et foredrag i Bergen 12. des. 2012 med tittelen Nästan infödd i L2 – tvåspråkighetseffekt eller ålderseffekt? Foredraget finner sted i Auditorium D, Sydneshaugen skole fra 10:15 til 12. Les sammendraget og mer informasjon her.

Who’s behind language change?

Paul Kerswill, University of York, will be giving a lecture on Sep. 27 2012 at 13.30 in SH:G.

Operationalising sociolinguistic typology: on investigating speech communities in Great Britain and their role in language change The lecture will present research trying to operationalize some ideas about sociolinguistic typology by Henning Andersen and Peter Trudgill touching on […]

Can machines invent their own language (including grammatical case)?

Luc Steels (Institut de Biologia Evolutiva, CSIC-UPF in Barcelona and director of the Sony Computer Science Laboratory in Paris) will give a talk on Monday Nov. 5, 2012 at 18:00 in Egget, Studentsenteret i Bergen. He is a linguist who graduated from the University of Antwerp (See also his TEDx lecture and his publications.)

The […]

Seminar series fall 2012

The usual Friday seminar series is soon starting up this fall, see the top menu. The first lecture will be on Sep. 7 by Masao Yokota from the Department of System Management, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan. He will talk about Language-Centered Intuitive Human-Robot Interaction Based on Mental Image Directed Semantic Theory.

Språk og IKT i 7.RP

Informasjonsmøte om IKT-programmet i EUs 7. Rammeprogram for forskning

Studentsenteret (UiB) på Sem rom C, 12.06. 2012 fra 09.30 – 14.30.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) er det største særprogrammet innenfor EUs 7. Rammeprogram for forskning og teknologiutvikling. De siste utlysningene i ICT-programmet er for tiden under utforming og ventes publisert i juli 2012, med […]

Lecture on logometry and modals

Visiting scholar Marion Bendinelli will give a lecture on Tuesday June 12 at 10:15 in SH:G. This research focuses on the use of the modal and semi-modal auxiliaries in the American presidential debates, from 1960 (J.F. Kennedy vs. R. Nixon) to 2008 (B. Obama vs. J. McCain). The intent is to uncover the discourse strategies […]

Ilja Seržants: PhD defense

On Thursday June 14, Ilja Seržants defends his PhD entitled Aspects of non-prototypical subjects; diachrony, synchrony and areality. The event will be at 9:30 in Sydneshaugen skole Aud. B. The day before at 16:30 at the same location, he presents his trial lecture entitled Problems in the study of areal links between genetically related languages.