Victory for Google Books and n-grams

Judge Chin ruled that Google’s scanning of more than 20 million books for an electronic database, and making materials available for online searches constituted fair use. Also the use of Google Books for linguistic research on ngrams played a role in the decision.

Live streams from #TromSlang 6-8 November

The Tromsø International Conference on Language Diversity will be opened Wednesday 6 November at 09:30 by President of the Norwegian Saami Parliament, Aili Keskital. This session as well as most of the other plenary sessions at the conference will be live streamed over the internet.

Please consult the conference web site for further information […]

Need grammar?

“There was a point in the 1960s when the [British] Government said that schoolchildren didn’t need to learn any grammar as it inhibits their creativity. Now, that’s changing rapidly.” Read more.

It’s time

Cho Seong-Eun, a master’s student in computational linguistics at the University of Bergen, will present his work in his master’s thesis. His project was entitled Automatic Detection of Conceptual Time Metaphors. This presentation will be held on May 29, 2013 (for further information, see this term’s seminars).

Visit from Copenhagen

Héctor Martínez, a CLARA-researcher at the University of Copenhagen, is visiting Bergen this week. He will give a Friday lecture (see the Friday lecture schedule).

Sol på trærne

INESS avholder sin første workshop med referansepanelet på Solstrand Hotel & Bad.

Second LCR til Bergen

After the successful first Language Corpus Research conference in Louvain in 2011, the second conference in this series will be organized by the University of Bergen and will be held at Solstrand. See the conference website for more information.