Vadim Kimmelman has been selected as one of two scholars to lead a Young CAS Fellow project in 2022-2023. His project is called “Whole‐entity classifiers in sign languages: a multiperspective approach.”
Vadim Kimmelman has been selected as one of two scholars to lead a Young CAS Fellow project in 2022-2023. His project is called “Whole‐entity classifiers in sign languages: a multiperspective approach.” This year’s Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa) will be held online on June 1-2, with workshops on May 31. Registration is free. Uppsala universitet söker en forskare i datorlingvistik i ett år inom ett VR-projekt om universell dependensparsning. Se annons på svenska här. Vi mottok følgende annonse: Productive Playhouse, a production company in Los Angeles, is currently undertaking projects for various languages and is seeking linguists who are native speakers of the target languages for a language study. We are seeking candidates who can commit 20-40 hours per week. All work is online and can be done from […] The Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies invites applications for a permanent position as Associate Professor in Linguistics. The deadline for application is September 15, 2020. Visste du at rettslingvistikk eksisterer? Det er også kjent som forensisk lingvistikk. Les en artikkel om brevanalyse. I år har LingPhil (Norwegian Graduate Researcher School in Linguistics and Philology) et tettpakket program av seminarer og forskerkurs. Men flere evenementer er avlyst. |