Lecture on Named Entity Recognition

4 June, 2008 @ 13:15 – 15:15
Sydneshaugens skole Aud. E

Iris Hendrickx

Iris is a researcher at the CNTS Language Technology group at Antwerp University.

Her research interests are Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing; in particular Machine Learning, Word Sense Disambiguation, Text Categorization, Coreference Resolution, Named Entity recognition, and Automatic Summarization.

Iris is a former member of the Induction of Linguistic Knowledge (ILK) group. After successfully defending her thesis on optimization of the k-nearest neighbor algorithm for various language tasks, she worked for AskNow. Since 2006 she is an active researcher in Antwerpen, currently working on the DAESO (Detecting and Exploiting Semantic Overlap) project (see http://daeso.uvt.nl/).

Iris home page is at http://www.cnts.ua.ac.be/~iris/

The abstract for the talk

Named Entity Recognition

This presentation will give an overview of the domain of named entity recognition. How to do it, Why do it, and how to evaluate this task.
The talk will give a brief overview of the history of the field and show some interesting approaches. The last part will review its usefulness in NLP applications, and discuss future directions, for example ‘web people search’ .

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