Margrete Dyvik defends PhD

Cand. Philol. Margrete Dyvik Cardona gives her trial lecture for her PhD degree on Thursday Feb. 18, 2010 at 6 pm in SH:B (Sydneshaugen skole, Aud. B), Bergen, on the following subject:

The relevance of Aktionsart for the Spanish tense-aspect system

She defends her PhD dissertation on Friday Feb. 19, 2010 at 9:30 am in SH:B (Sydneshaugen skole, Aud. B), Bergen. The title of her dissertation is:

Time for Change. A theory-driven, corpus-based study of tense and aspect in La Paz Spanish

The first opponent is Prof. Dr. Ignacio Bosque, Universidad Complutense Madrid; the second opponent is Prof. Dr. Östen Dahl, Stockholms universitet. The committee is led by førsteamanuensis Åse Johnsen, institutt for framandspråk, Universitetet i Bergen, while amanuensis Jon Askeland will preside over the defense.

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